Saturday, 4 July 2009

Ten Sales Boosters Strategic Plan

Sagging sales are frustrating. Life can be injected into them by simply following the Ten Sales Booster Strategic Plan as outlined below.

In a time like this, when the whole world is experiencing economic hardship, it is not surprising that you are losing your edge. Most of your products and services are attracting less attention from people. Fewer customers come in. What then can you do to boost sales? I have come up with the following to help ease out the trouble on your side and boost up your sales again.

1. Consider Making a Change. Change the way your place of business looks and feels. Display your products in a creative way. Repaint the walls. Move the shelves. Redesign your website and make it look better. Make small changes on a monthly basis, and other changes - for example, attractive displays - according to the season. Bigger changes such as remodeling your facilities can be done every few years because they cost more. The key is that changes, however small or big, will attract attention and possible new customers.

2. Check Your Stock. What kinds of titles do you have? Poor titles make poor sales. Build your business on good sellers that fit your mission and market, are well-crafted, well-designed, and priced right. They may sell slowly, but they bring in revenue year after year.

3. Know Your Customers. Who buys your products? Is it parents buying for their children? Is it pastors? The urban middle class? Youth? Market research can take many forms. Some are more elaborate but also more expensive. Others are simple, costing virtually nothing. You will serve your customers better if you know who they are and try to communicate with them. Online business executives can join forum online forums to know what people talk about. Give your website a new look, attach a form for your visitors to fill for onward contact.

4. Boost Your Staff. When things are not going well, check the work of your staff. Do they make customers feel welcome? Do they go out of their way to make customers happy? Do they love your products/services? Do they have selling skills and talent? Have they ever been to a short course or workshop on marketing strategies? Give your staff a boost.

5. Get Involved With The Community. Identify a concern that you are able to address. Perhaps you can team up with educators to promote your products/services in local areas or join some hosts of Internet communities. Whatever community activity you undertake, it should increase the exposure and appreciation of your company and its products.

6. Say "Yes" To Your Company Vision. Improve your social relations. Take a survey of the organizations and some key individuals in your area. Design a strategy. Plan some visits with the people in this group – especially their leaders. Show them samples of your stock. Invite them to your premises. Offer help. Look at these organizations and individuals as a key channel to potential customers. Getting into these organizations and winning over these individuals will give you a unique chance to show what you have to offer.

7. Go Mobile. If customers are not coming to you, go to them. A man I knew had more sales on crowded trains than many stationery sellers did on a regular basis. Sell your products/services at Churches, at conferences, on the streets. While this strategy will give a boost to your sales, it requires closer administration. There are many details: Getting the appropriate licenses, recruiting salespeople, and developing an accounting system. Online marketers can as well learn to drive more visitors to their sites - having more visitors means that 5 out of 20 visitors may become your customer.

8. Make the Headlines. Print and electronic media are often looking for new and unusual items that will attract their audience. Invite a celebrity or a political figure to say something about the value of your products. Get a popular marketer to speak on a theme of interest to the media. Newspaper, radio, and television personnel are generally willing to cooperate with people doing something good. Advertise your website by creating links to other popular sites.

9. Start a Newsletter. Improve communication with your customers. Announce new products/services. Publish comments from influential figures and from customers. Describe how you are improving your services. Include human interest stories. Keep your overall expenses to a minimum.

10. Give Choices To Your Customers. I remember two marketers who displayed a limited number of products. The first had a wide variety of books covering national politics, regional economics, Christian living and Computer Softwares, while the other displayed music and entertainment products. The latter was always crowded with enthusiastic customers while the former was virtually empty, and from what I gathered, the former was forced to close down. Declining sales indicate that something is running low in the life of your company. You need some boosters.

Crisis: A Time To Plan And Grow

What do you do, or plan to do when you hit the bottom line in business? A lot of people may back out, others may commit suicide, but the bottom line remains the best time of planning for the wise…

Economic recession is hitting the world hard. In the heat of this problem, a lot of decisions, planning and measures are being initiated and undertaken by various arms of government and individual groups. Almost everybody is working towards a constant and an unabridged progress and better living, yet a new idea comes into place with the belief that a coin will not properly answer its name without the two sides of it – front and back.

To say the least, everything in life has two sides - the good and the bad side. Picture yourself in the place of a car owner. You just discover that your being in this position is having a comfortable way to get around (good) and having some extra costs (bad). Having more than one car means a lot of pleasure (good) and as well many distractions (bad); yet not having a car means fewer expenses, but more time and energy are required to go from one place to another. Being a business owner is a thing of joy that brings honor, but it also has a great responsibility. An employee has less responsibility, but lacks the power to make things happen. Name anything - we can always find two sides, two different perspectives for it.

That does not mean that the good and the bad sides are always well-balanced. One is usually stronger than the other, and that helps us to make decisions and focus our energy and efforts. Our perceptions of which side is strongest may vary, depending on our values, knowledge, emotions, awareness of the environment, and more.

Like everything else, crises have their good and bad sides. Most often, the bad side is painfully obvious, and the good side is hard to find. When we face a crisis, we may fear the worst and even panic; we might complain, saying that it is not fair; or we might fight to learn from the situation and overcome it. But whichever side you may face, always remember that the two sides in life are what bring out our real stuff. You may be facing a situation as hard as a stone, yet the way you face it, brings out your real self. Let me explain, a stone is a stumbling block and the inattentive person trips over it and gets hurt, yet it is a projectile to the brute – a very good weapon.

An entrepreneur sees a stone as a useful material – he builds with it. It’s a playmate to the children – they jump over it and stone carvers fashion them into beautiful statutes. The two sides are there, but it’s left for the person, the individual to make a choice – either to stumble over the stone and get hurt, or benefit from the stone and grow thereafter.

It is common to hear - especially from those who are not experiencing our headaches - that a crisis is a time to search for opportunities to grow. But it is not easy to feel that way while you have bills to pay, a market to serve, a board to report to, and so many other responsibilities, which always multiply in difficult times.

I once heard that a crisis is diving into a pool - when you do not know how to swim. Maybe there is no one around who can toss a life preserver your way. You keep going down and down. You see the bottom of the pool coming towards you. If you do not panic, when you get to the deepest place, you can push with your feet against the floor and get out of the water to breathe again. From this, you will learn a lesson for the rest of your life. You will avoid diving into a pool before learning how to swim.

But, if for some reason you do fall into another pool, you will remember that you cannot panic to find your way out. When I am in the deepest part of a crisis, I am that much closer to the floor, where I can push to get out of that situation. Ever since I learned this tactics, when I face a crisis I begin to look for opportunities.

However, when you remember that God is faithful, and understand that a temptation is a crisis, then God will prove to you that He will not let you face any crisis beyond what you can bear. Maybe He will send you a life preserver - or remind you to push when you are at the bottom of the pool.

Believe it, every economic crisis on your way in life, though with its attendant global problems, has within it a sign of a good thing to come ahead, and also a reminder that you need to approach life with a new perspective. My prayer is that this economic storm will pass over us for good; and with you and me in this generation; the world has no bigger problems than we can put heads together and solve. With proper planning, we will overcome the crisis, improve the operation of world economy, and grow in the service of God and humanity.

Friday, 1 May 2009


Are you in business? I want to authoritatively reveal to you a hard truth that marketers will never tell you if you must succeed in business. That truth is centred on the Supreme Being - GOD. Do you believe in GOD?

Well, it is good you do, because without your believing in Him, the truth remains that He exists! Okay, if He exists, then what? In business God has the Power and the Influence over every Successful Businesses. As a matter of fact, I don't think any marketer would bother telling you about Him. Why? Because they are being too careful not to mix business with religion. I've a feeling they would be embarrassed if someone saw their students carrying Bible to the lecture room and commented: "Eh, what do we have here: a church or what?"

I don't know that for sure. But no matter what, I think every marketer is missing a huge opportunity to make greater impact on their clients/customers. The power and the influence of God in making any business where He is honored to grow and prosper is undeniable.

So it is a monumental mistake, in my carefully considered opinion, for any business, not least Internet/Online Marketing, to ignore this vital area of study. The Living God is the only One that can guarantee enduring success in business. Master Jesus said, "I am the Vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in Me, I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without Me ye can do nothing" [John 15:5].

When an entrepreneur abides in God, and God's words abide in the entrepreneur, he can be rest assured that he will enjoy all the following benefits and more:

Salvation: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" [John 3:16].

Healing: "...if thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the Lord that healeth thee" [Exodus 15:26].

Bring forth fruits: "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in His flaw doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in season; his leaf also shall not wither; and I whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" [Psalm 1:1-3].

Steady supply: "But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" - [Philippians4:19].

Protection: "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For He shall give His angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone" [Psalm 91:10-12].

Increase: "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase" [1 Corinthians 3:6] that He may establish His covenant which he swore unto thy fathers, as it is this day" [Deuteronomy 8: 18].

Sorrow-free riches: "The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it" [Proverbs 10:22].

Good success: "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" [Joshua 1:8].

Yes, God does all these things and more. I know it and you should know it too. I'm a living proof! I've irrefutable evidence to prove it. And on the pages of this blog, you will discover what the Lord had done [and is doing] for me. For me to be alive and my business to be where it is today is the grace of God. Just as Master Jesus said, without my Father in heaven, I could of my own do nothing.

Each time the enemy came like the flood to overflow and wash me and my business away, the Spirit of the Lord was always showing up to deliver me by lifting a standard against him. Really, I think every business owner, and all marketers all over the world, should consider inculcating in their clients/customers the study of the part that God plays in the sustenance of business. The magnitude of the role God plays in business from start-up to maturity is so enormous than for it to go without acknowledgment. As the Psalmist say, "all glory must be unto God".

There this other thing I would like to inform you about. The thing is called: experience. The only place you can acquire experience is in the marketplace. That is where you can lay your hands on the original one. No amount of case studies can replace the practical, hands-on experience you'll get from the marketplace.

So let me sound a note of warning to you as you read this message. Bear it in mind that, like the tons of case studies that you will be loaded with, it's not meant to take the place of practical experience. I'm saying this here just to prepare your mind for the type of things you might encounter when you announce your arrival in the marketplace and take your position in any of the market segments.

As you will discover, your own experience might be totally different from mine. It doesn't really matter. What is most important is that you already know what lies ahead of you and you're prepared for it. It's not going to be a tea party. Be absolutely sure of that. So brace up yourself for hard work.

Now, every business owner and marketer is concerned with the word: HARDWORK. Well, that is good, but that without God is true FAILURE!

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Thursday, 26 March 2009


Boost it up on time, don't delay!

Be in charge.

Create Awareness.


Business Power Network

Whatever business you may have chosen to do, let me remind you that prayer is very important and necessary.

When you pray, you conquer and obtain. Success has a lot of brothers and sisters, only poverty is an orphan. To succeed and live successful, you need to PRAY HARD. Almost all the great achievers I have ever known in this world never joked with prayer.

Prayer is your KEY to success!

Business Power Network

In business, patience and steadfastness matter a lot. Be patient in all your doing; be steadfast, one day the reward of hardwork shall come your way.

I'm in business to make a mark. Many people before me tried and failed but here I am pushing ahead. If I can do that, you too can. Don't mind all the stories here and there, only listen to your heart as you plan to be your own boss, work as a partner to someone.

The sky is not your limit, heaven is. Duc in altum - Aim at the highest!

Business Power Network

It may please you, sure team work is gain. Let's join hands together and build a peaceful, success-oriented environment.

Always call on us whenever in NEED!

Business Power Network

  1. Today’s decision …

I want to welcome you to my blog site made possible by, and I want to use this wonderful opportunity to let you to into certain facts about decision.

You know that people take decisions every day, some are good while some are bad. Some choices we make in life equally affect us one way or another.

You may take it or leave it your decision rules your life. You are whosoever you have decided to be like.

Well, there are things your decision cannot change or affect. Whatever be your decision, you still realize that people are born into the world, others are leaving the world by dying, flowers bloom, birds sing, rivers run, fish swim, mountains stand, eagles fly, the sun shines, trees sway, crops grow, and so on. In this case, your dreams and decisions are not meant to alter the order – they are to compliment it.

The life you live now started by someone having a dream. The dream he had graduated into taking a decision and contract was reached your mother became pregnant and a baby-YOU was born. Then you grow, and as a result caught the bug - the dream bug of cause!

As a businessman, I want to ask you a question. Why are you in business? Are you in business because you were sacked or retrenched in a former place of work? Are you in business because you want to be your own boss?

Friend, what is your driving force - fame and popularity, family identity, pressure to make money? Whatever it is, you must remember that a strong and faithful decision matters a lot. Let me quickly remind you here that no matter your decision, the business world has taken an ugly shape that makes it highly unpredictable. The business world is a world of intricate deception, cruelty, sweet talkers, unrighteous diplomacy, self-abuse, compromise, frustration, risks and demonic manipulations.

It degenerated to a point where those ahead would not like the ones behind to cross over. To go into business and succeed, consider the following points:

(1) Take Initiative the power of decision does not depend on others but on you.

(2) Persist - Your decision must be supported by repeated or different actions to overcome in obstacle.

(3) Seek Information maintain the ability to seek information on clients, suppliers, available markets and competitors.

(4) Excel - Always posses the ability to do things that meet or exceed existing standard of excellence. Improve on your past performances.

(5) Be Sound - Develop and use logical step-by-step plan to reach goals. Always evaluate alternative ways of doing things.

(6) Be Confident - Have a strong belief in your ability and express confidence in your ability to complete a difficult task or meet a challenge. Be confident that you will succeed at whatever you try to do, no matter how difficult.

(7) Be Faithful Try to always engage yourself in situations that have a high-risk as opposed to taking a preference for situation involving moderate risk.

(8) Be Persuasive - Always try to influence and persuade others. Use personal contacts to accomplish your own objectives.

(9) Be Committed - Be faithful to your business.

(10) Set A Goal - setting a standard for yourself will be a good thing to do. It pays to do so. Just try it!